UNION, (Ellis McDonald, Mark Durkan Nina Runa Essendrop)

6/16/2019 | 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Location:RSVP: Places are limited, please email to sign up and register your participation at

ONE is a new work by Union situated at the intersection of art, role-play, and experience design. Participants will be guided by a series of performative algorithms, the results of which form an intersubjective entity where both data and self is decentralized and anonymized. Recent Union experiences involved participants creating a psychophysical network of shared language,  thought and movement via specially calibrated 2-hour workshops. Set in a deserted outdoor space in central Berlin, ONE builds on these past designs to integrate the surrounding non-human influence of rubble, trash, sun, air, insects, plants, and the nearby Spree.

The event takes place 16th June 2019 from 17:30 – 21:30

Places are limited, to participate please register under

Follow @uniongr0up for updates 🗞

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Founded in 2016, seeks to open up a local and international dialogue between established and emerging artists. The presented works derive from the connection between digital or net-based art and club culture, reflecting, in particular, the recent history of Berlin.
Lectures, performances and screenings as well as an edition complete the exhibition programme. Our activities received press reviews in a variety of print and online media such as Neural Magazin, Berliner Zeitung, taz and Vice.
Over the past years, we collaborated with local and international initiatives such as PAF performing arts festival Berlin 2018 and 2019, Zwei Tage Wedding festival 2017/2018, The Wrong Digital Biennale 2017 or transmediale/CTM Vorspiel 2017–2019. Our activities were supported by Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa (Spartenoffene Förderung), Lotto Stiftung Berlin and Bezirksamt Mitte von Berlin.


Foto docu : Billie Sara Clarken, @billie_clarken