Rewilding the Memory
Kosei Takasaki, Alessandro Rauschmann, Natalia Korotyaeva, Eric Winkler, Eva Vuillemin
The term ‘rewilding’ is used in terms of nature as the aim to bring wildlife back to natural spaces taken over by humans. Now science says, that memory can’t be trusted.
The performance series will question what is left of wilderness in our human condition, but also what does our memory and perception of reality say. It can be understood as an evaluation of what this can mean in times where many species are close to extinction. Where do we position ourselves today, trapped in new media devices where we seek the natural earth binding experience? Are we the ones that need to be ‘rewilded’? What aspect does our memory play?
Under these circumstances, we will propose not to give answers or guides, but to question. It is not about the right answers, but about the right questions.
The participating artists will develop a performance with different mediums, bringing together sound, light, video and performance, by exchanging their thoughts and output adhered to the space to fusion into one experience. It will function as a catalyst converter to activate the surrounding space in the theme of rewilding.
The event will be a performance night taking place at the Spittelkolonnaden and the surrounding Marion-Gräfin-Dönhoff-Platz.
+DEDE is a project gallery which started in June 2018 in Wedding, Berlin. +DEDE represents and supports the work of emerging artists through group shows, bridging practices, formats and borders. Our aim is to create a sustainable and flexible platform for exhibitions curated by us or by guest curators, as well as developing a lasting relationship with the artists we work with.
+DEDE is run by curator Tristan Deschamps and artist Flavio Degen.
Foto docu : Billie Sara Clarken, @billie_clarken