Depending on Positions

Sam Mattacott, Dennis Rudolph, Tristan Schulze | Curated by OFFICE IMPART ( Anne Schwanz, Johanna Neuschäffer)

6/4/2019 | 5 PM - 10 PM
Location:Bar Leydicke, Mansteinstraße 4, 10783 Berlin - Schöneberg

Depending On Position is a group show of three international artists who are interested in combining their artistic working frames with new technologies.
The exhibition will take place outside only and show four works that deal with the virtual world in different ways. All four artists will use the technology of augmented reality for their works.
The works can then be experienced through the viewer’s own handheld device.

STATE OF THE ART BERLIN is an artist-run space in Berlin Schoeneberg that serves as a studio with frequently changing residents and as a project space hosting art events with a focus on time-based media and tech-art. Its aim is to create a network between progressive artists, curators and critics.



The event is easily accessible to anyone with an iPhone 6s or higher. But if you can’t see or can’t see much, you can’t experience the digital artworks.


Foto docu : Billie Sara Clarken, @billie_clarken