The Mycological Twist

Rust to Rust

The Mycological Twist (Anne de Boer, Eloise Bonneviot), Laura Yuile, OMSK Social Club, Sanna Helena Berger

6/6/2019 | 9 AM - 5 PM
Location:RSVP an: für eine Ortsangabe oder folge dem Twitch livestream:

Leisure, as a complement to labour, bares confusing elements in relation to its function. Having fun entails reproducing moments that might not be fun, but become enjoyable precisely because they exist outside the work context. Current forms of leisure seem to increasingly perform tasks of labour or are performed at the workplace with colleagues. In this context, especially office work, the environment starts to mimic domestic scenes. Commuting back and forth from home-office to office-home, a mobile device keeps the connection to all colleagues aka the work-family. Simultaneously, that same device enables a bleeding of labour into ‘free time’. Be the boss of your own hamburger stand, while you travel back home from an exhausting day of work.
For a one-day-only event, we invite you back to the Survival Game ‘Rust’, to examine these relationships. During this day we will roam this digital landscape accompanied by performances and interventions. Join us in the game or follow us through a special Twitch livestream.

The Mycological Twist is a project by Eloïse Bonneviot and Anne de Boer operating both as a fixed mushroom garden and as a nomadic project, infecting and spreading mycelium alike. Since 2019 the garden is located on a balcony in Berlin. The projects initiated by the Mycological Twist can be seen as a place to investigate the cycle of deterioration and regeneration happening in zones of Dark Ecology.
Coined by Paul Stamets, the Mycological Twist looks at its capacity of inserting itself as a permacultural extension to an exhibition space. The underlying structure of the program is following patterns and behaviour that can be seen in the process of the garden and follows moments of inoculation, growth and harvest as key elements for events to happen.
The Mycological Twist started in 2014 as an extension to Jupiter Woods’ garden, a gallery located in South Bermondsey, London. Since then, the materialization of the research results in a program of commissioned works, lectures, performances and works.


Foto Docu : Billie Sara Clarken, @billie_clarken